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Found 4823 results for any of the keywords jane mcgonigal. Time 0.008 seconds.
you found me. | game designer, author, future forecaster, PhDgame designer, author, future forecaster, PhD
Bio | you found me.Jane McGonigal, PhD is a world-renowned designer of alternate reality games -- or, games that are designed to improve real lives and solve real problems. She believes game designers are on a humanitarian mission -- and h
My books | you found me.Find out about my brand new book Imaginable! “Hundreds of thousands of people have had their lives changed by Jane McGonigal’s SuperBetter program, and I see why. It’s a marriage of positive psychology with pioneering in
Videos | you found me.The game that can add 10 years to your life Gaming can make a better world The best hope we have for surviving the next century on this planet? Games. In this 20-minute TED talk, I explain why we need to achieve 21 b
Secrets | you found me.This is where I talk about more personal things... and sneak preview new projects. NEW BOOK CHAPTER! I m excited to be a part of the new book project After Shock: The World s Foremost Futurists Reflect on 50 Years of Fut
Research | you found me.Looking for all of the gaming research I cite in my talks? I round up 100s of studies for you here: SuperBetter: Show Me the Science There Is No Escape: Designing Videogames for Maximum Real-Life Impact CLINICAL AND RAND
crioma -Anda pecinta togel Hongkong? Pasti ingin tahu bagaimana memanfaatkan data pengeluaran HK untuk menang, bukan? Nah, di artikel ini saya akan berbagi tips jitu tentang cara memanfaatkan data pengeluaran HK untuk meningkat
AvantGame by Jane McGonigalWhen we're playing games, we're not suffering.
Pilot Testimonials | Jim Davis | South AfricaPilot s love Jim s books. His PPL book is the only training book in Australia to include flying training exercises. Read their testimonials.
Contact me | you found me.Yay! Let s talk to each other! BUT BEFORE YOU EMAIL ME... just a head s up: (Photograph: James Cox) I get a lot of emails and phone calls from people I don t know yet, to discuss things they re working on, or get my advi
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